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  • flush

    英:[flʌʃ] 美: [flʌʃ] 

    flush 基本解释

    flush 同义词

    flush 相关例句


    1. The firm is flush with funds.


    1. The door fits flush into its frame.


    1. Anger flushed his cheeks.


    1. The blood flushed into her face.


    1. April brought the first flush of grass.

    flush 网络释义

    1. 冲洗:一组索引节点(inode)存储单元系统调用sysc把被缓存的超级块冲洗(flush)到硬盘的永久位置上,让文件系统保持一致性同时sync冲洗被修改过的索引结点和缓存的数据块.

    2. 同花:葫芦(Boat or Full House) 三张同号牌加一对同号牌(比如.: 3张10加一对6,三张K加一对5等) 同花(Flush) 五张牌同一花色但并不连牌(比如: 4, 5, 7, 10, K五张牌全是黑桃).

    3. flush的解释

    3. 奔流:本.莫兹里奇,迄今已经出过九本著作,包括<<纽约时报>>畅销书<<决胜21点>>(2008年3月被索尼影业拍成电影). 他是<<素材>>杂志(Stuff)和<<波士顿消费杂志>>(Boston Common)的专栏作家,还是英国<<奔流>>(Flush)杂志的赞助人.

    flush 词典解释

    1. 脸红;(脸)发烫,发红
        If you flush, your face goes red because you are hot or ill, or because you are feeling a strong emotion such as embarrassment or anger.


        e.g. Do you sweat a lot or flush a lot?...
        e.g. He turned away embarrassed, his face flushing red.

    Her face was flushed with anger.

    2. (便后)冲(马桶)
        When someone flushes a toilet after using it, they fill the toilet bowl with water in order to clean it, usually by pressing a handle or pulling a chain. You can also say that a toilet flushes .

        e.g. She flushed the toilet and went back in the bedroom.
        e.g. ...the sound of the toilet flushing.

    3. 把…冲下(抽水马桶)
        If you flush something down the toilet, you get rid of it by putting it into the toilet bowl and flushing the toilet.

        e.g. He was found trying to flush banknotes down the toilet.

    4. 冲洗(身体部位)
        If you flush a part of your body, you clean it or make it healthier by using a large amount of liquid to get rid of dirt or harmful substances.

        e.g. Flush the eye with clean cold water for at least 15 minutes...
               用干净冷水冲洗眼睛至少 15 分钟。
        e.g. Water is ideal to flush the kidneys and the urinary tract.

    5. (用大量液体)冲洗
        If you flush dirt or a harmful substance out of a place, you get rid of it by using a large amount of liquid.

        e.g. That won't flush out all the sewage, but it should unclog some stinking drains.

    6. 把(人或动物)驱出;把…赶出
        If you flush people or animals out of a place where they are hiding, you find or capture them by forcing them to come out of that place.

        e.g. They flushed them out of their hiding places...
        e.g. The Guyana Defence Force is engaged in flushing out illegal Brazilian miners operating in the country.

    7. 齐平的;在同一平面的
        If one object or surface is flush with another, they are at the same height or distance from something else, so that they form a single smooth surface.

        e.g. Make sure the tile is flush with the surrounding tiles.

    8. (通常指短时间内)有钱的,富足的;暴富的
        If you are flush with money, you have a lot of it, usually only for a short time.

        e.g. At that time, many developing countries were flush with dollars earned from exports...
        e.g. If we're feeling flush we'll probably give them champagne.

    9. 一阵强烈感情;一阵兴奋(或快乐)
        The flush of something is an intense feeling of excitement or pleasure that you have when you are experiencing it and for a short time afterwards.


        e.g. ...the first flush of young love.
        e.g. ...in the flush of victory.

    10. 激增;大量涌出
          A flush of something is a large quantity of it that comes suddenly or quickly.

          e.g. ...the flush of recent victories.
          e.g. ...a flush of memories.

    相关词组:flush out

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