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  • decisive

    英:[dɪˈsaɪsɪv] 美: [dɪˈsaɪsɪv] 
    1. 决定性的;关键的;明确的 If a fact, action, or event is decisive, it makes it certain that there will be a particular result.decisive是什么意思 e.g. ...

    decisive 基本解释

    decisive 同义词


    decisive 反义词


    decisive 相关例句


    1. A decisive person is needed to deal with the situation.

    2. decisive的反义词

    2. He gave a decisive answer.

    decisive 网络释义

    1. decisive在线翻译

    1. 果断:商务英语报告写作的总体原则 在撰写商务英语报告时,应确保报告内容准确无误(Accurate),简明扼要(Brief),结构清晰(Clear),建议明确果断(Decisive),故简称ABCD原则.具体内容如下: 内容准确无误:报告的正确性不仅仅是指英语语法,

    2. 决定性:Blog与print academia之间有紧张,但不一定要冲突,决定性(decisive)的因素是一个关键的非决定性(indeterministic)因素---实践. 这是我的基本看法.

    3. 决定性的, 坚定的, 果断的:Rational 理性的, 合理的 | Decisive 决定性的, 坚定的, 果断的 | Reflective 反射的, 反映的

    decisive 词典解释

    1. 决定性的;关键的;明确的
        If a fact, action, or event is decisive, it makes it certain that there will be a particular result.


        e.g. ...his decisive victory in the presidential elections...
        e.g. The election campaign has now entered its final, decisive phase...

    The plan was decisively rejected by Congress three weeks ago.

    2. 果断的;决断的
        If someone is decisive, they have or show an ability to make quick decisions in a difficult or complicated situation.

        e.g. He should give way to a younger, more decisive leader.

    'I'll call for you at half ten,' she said decisively.
    “我 10 点半去接你,”她果断地说道。
    His supporters admire his decisiveness.

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