弘扬汉语古籍 传承国粹精华
  • deaf

    英:[def] 美: [dɛf] 

    deaf 基本解释

    形容词聋的; 不愿听的

    deaf 相关例句


    1. She is deaf in one ear.

    2. I've called you three times, are you deaf?

    3. He was deaf to her warning.

    4. He was deaf to all advice.

    deaf 网络释义

    1. deaf的翻译

    1. 聋:因为聋(deaf)或听障(hard of hearing)只是听力残疾,并不是语言残疾(哑dumb). 但是因为听力不好,听力残疾人无法矫正自己的发音,所以说话的清晰程度有所不同而已.

    2. 聋人:显著影响正常社交能力的听力减迟称为聋(deafness),因双耳听力障碍(hearing handicap)不能以语言进行正常社交者称为聋哑或聋人(deaf). 定义:系继发于基因或染色体异常等遗传缺陷(genetic defect)的听觉器官发育缺陷而导致的听力障碍.


    3. 聋的:whitener 漂白剂 | deaf 聋的 | deafen 变聋

    4. 耳聋:重听 be hard of hearing | 耳聋 deaf | 耳鸣 ringing of ears ; tinnitus

    deaf 词典解释

    1. 聋的;失聪的
        Someone who is deaf is unable to hear anything or is unable to hear very well.

        e.g. She is now profoundly deaf.

    Because of her deafness she was hard to make conversation with.

    2. 对…充耳不闻的;不愿听…的
        If you say that someone is deaf to people's requests, arguments, or criticisms, you are criticizing them because they refuse to pay attention to them.


        e.g. The provincial assembly were deaf to all pleas for financial help.

    3. to fall on deaf ears -> see ear
        to turn a deaf ear -> see ear

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