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  • dawn

    英:[dɔ:n] 美: [dɔn] 

    dawn 基本解释



    dawn 反义词


    dawn 相关例句


    1. The day was dawning.

    2. The truth at last dawned upon her.

    3. The truth at last dawned on him.


    1. I woke up at dawn.

    2. dawn的反义词

    2. We must get up at dawn.


    3. We look forward to the dawn of better days.

    dawn 网络释义

    1. dawn在线翻译

    1. 晨曦:巴基斯坦<<晨曦>>(Dawn)报周五援引调查人员的话称,嫌疑最大的是巴基斯坦虔诚军. 分析人士认为,与基地组织有关的拉什卡-简戈维组织(Lashkar-e-Jhangvi)也可能是幕後黑手.

    dawn 词典解释

    1. 黎明;拂晓
        Dawn is the time of day when light first appears in the sky, just before the sun rises.

        e.g. Nancy woke at dawn.

    2. 开端;起始阶段
        The dawn of a period of time or a situation is the beginning of it.

        e.g. We can only guess what went through the mind of a man who could look back to the dawn of powered flight.
        e.g. ...the dawn of the radio age.

    3. 初现;出现;开始形成
        If something is dawning, it is beginning to develop or come into existence.

        e.g. Throughout Europe a new railway age, that of the high-speed train, has dawned...
        e.g. A new era seemed to be about to dawn for the coach and his young team...

    ...the dawning of the space age...
    Tettlinger uncovered his eyes in the first dawning of hope.

    4. (一天)到来,开始
        When you say that a particular day dawned, you mean it arrived or began, usually when it became light.


        e.g. When the great day dawned, the first concern was the weather...
        e.g. The next day dawned sombre and gloomy.

    5. at the crack of dawn -> see crack

    相关词组:dawn on

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