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  • distant

    英:[ˈdɪstənt] 美: [ˈdɪstənt] 
    1. 遥远的;远距离的 Distant means very far away. e.g. The mountains rolled away to a distant horizon. 群山向远处的地平线绵延而去。 e.g. ...

    distant 基本解释

    distant 同义词

    distant 反义词


    distant 相关例句


    1. distant的近义词

    1. Those two weak boys are distant relations.

    2. The sun is distant from the earth.

    3. distant什么意思

    3. He is my distant relative.

    4. Instead of stopping to speak, she passed by with only a distant nod.

    5. She's always very distant with Ann.

    distant 网络释义

    1. distant的意思

    1. 遥远的:②形似记忆:杨利伟和嫦娥一起在太空(space)漫步(pace)②形似记忆:宇航员(astronaut)杨利伟在餐馆(restaurant)吃了饭就升天了①形似记忆:到海边抢夺(grab)螃蟹(crab)①形似记忆:遥远的(distant)地方,不变的(constant)传说,


    2. 遠:一天早上,父亲要作者驾车把他送到一个名叫Mijas的村庄,这个村庄也许小(small)而偏僻(lonely),也许他们熟悉(familiar),可要驾车去就肯定很远(distant).

    3. 遥远:但所有作品都几乎能在国际的电影展中获奖,以新作<<三只猴子>>为例,就获得了2008年康城影展的最佳导演奖,先前的作品如<<气候>>(Climate)和<<遥远>>(Distant),分别曾获康城影展2008年的费比西奖及2003年的最佳男主角和评委会大奖,

    distant 词典解释

    1. 遥远的;远距离的
        Distant means very far away.

        e.g. The mountains rolled away to a distant horizon.
        e.g. ...the war in that distant land.

    2. (时间或事件)久远的
        You use distant to describe a time or event that is very far away in the future or in the past.


        e.g. There is little doubt, however, that things will improve in the not too distant future...
        e.g. Last summer's drought is a distant memory.

    3. 远房的;远亲的
        A distant relative is one who you are not closely related to.


        e.g. He's a distant relative of the mayor...
        e.g. They were distant cousins.

    His father's distantly related to the Royal family.

    4. 冷淡的;疏远的;不友好的
        If you describe someone as distant, you mean that you find them cold and unfriendly.

        e.g. He found her cold, ice-like and distant...
        e.g. He is direct and courteous but distant.

    5. 恍惚的;心不在焉的;注意力不集中的
        If you describe someone as distant, you mean that they are not concentrating on what they are doing because they are thinking about other things.


        e.g. There was a distant look in her eyes from time to time, her thoughts elsewhere.

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