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  • candle

    英:[ˈkændl] 美: [ˈkændl] 

    candle 基本解释

    名词蜡烛; 烛光; 蜡烛状物


    candle 相关词组

    1. hide one's candle under a bushel : 不露锋芒;

    2. not worth the candle : 得不偿失的, 不上算的;

    3. burn the candle at both ends : 过分耗费;

    candle 相关词组

    1. hide one's candle under a bushel : 不露锋芒;

    2. not worth the candle : 得不偿失的, 不上算的;

    3. burn the candle at both ends : 过分耗费;

    candle 相关例句


    1. candle

    1. We candled the eggs to assure quality.


    1. candle的反义词

    1. He blew out the candle and went to bed.

    candle 网络释义

    1. candle的意思

    1. 烛,烛光:最新的蜡烛(烛光)(Candle)型过滤芯硅藻土过滤机,过滤部件间的间隙小,只有30μm(比通常的硅藻土过滤机50~70μm小). 这种新型过滤机的硅藻土预涂层不需要熔化助剂的烧制品,采用中等助剂一次预涂即可,既缩短了预涂助剂的时间,

    candle 词典解释

    1. 蜡烛
        A candle is a stick of hard wax with a piece of string called a wick through the middle. You light the wick in order to give a steady flame that provides light.

        e.g. The bedroom was lit by a single candle.

    2. 一根蜡烛两头烧;起早摸黑地干;过度耗费精力
        If you burn the candle at both ends, you try to do too many things in too short a period of time so that you have to stay up very late at night and get up very early in the morning to get them done.

    3. 远不如;比…逊色许多
        If you say that one person or thing can't hold a candle to another, you meant that the first person or thing is not nearly as good as the second.

        e.g. Girls today can't hold a candle to the beauties of the Fifties.

    4. 不值得;划不来
        If you say that the game is not worth the candle, you mean that something is not worth the trouble or effort needed to achieve or obtain it.

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